EnBW Transports Retrofitted Transformer to Philippsburg NPP Site
OREANDA-NEWS. The delivery of a transformer for the Philippsburg nuclear power plants has been scheduled for Sunday evening (29 June 2014). The electro-technical component weighing 384 tons will be transported by rail to Philippsburg from the manufacturer in Nuremberg. The transport, which will be carried out by a specialist company commissioned by the manufacturer of the transformer, has been arranged on the basis of a transport permit at a time when this heavy payload would least affect rail operations.
The transformer is destined for use in the conventional area of Unit 2 of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant (KKP 2), from where it was removed during the annual inspection last year and replaced by a reserve transformer (see press release dated 18 July 2013). It has meanwhile been tested at the manufacturer's facilities and undergone a complete retrofit. This measure ensures the long-term preservation of the transformer's performance. The refurbished transformer will be reinstalled during this year's inspection of KKP when the unit is off line. The reserve transformer will remain on the site of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant.
The refurbished transformer is one of two transformers in the KKP 2 unit which convert electrical voltage produced by the nuclear power plant's generator into high voltage suitable for feeding into the transmission grid.
Unit 2 of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant is a pressurised water reactor with an electric output of 1,468 megawatts. The plant was commissioned in 1984 and produced around nine billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2013.
Unit 2 is operated by EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK). EnKK stands for safety in the operation and post-operation as well as in the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants in Baden-WЁ№rttemberg. In Neckarwestheim and Philippsburg, EnKK generates electricity with one nuclear power plant respectively (GKN II and KKP 2). A further plant which no longer produces electricity is located at each of the two sites (GKN I and KKP 1). EnKK is currently in the process of preparing to decommission these plants which have been shut down and has submitted the first applications for this purpose. At the Obrigheim site, the dismantling of the nuclear power plant located there, which commenced in 2008, is making good progress.