Equipment from Power Machines Provides Fourfold Capacity Improvement
OREANDA-NEWS. A new 230 MW combined-cycle plant (CCP) with a gas turbine manufactured and supplied by Power Machines OJSC was launched at Izhevskaya TPP-1 on June, 2.
The contract to supply a set of equipment for the new power unit at Izhevskaya TPP-1, being erected under IES-Holding's investment program, was signed with TGC-5 OJSC in 2010.
In performing the contract, Power Machines supplied gas turbine unit (GTU) consisting of a ГТЭ-160 gas turbine, 180 MW generator, excitation system complete with a starting frequency converter, automatic gas turbine control system, air filter, and auxiliary equipment for the gas turbine plant.
Taganrog Boiler-Making Plant Krasny Kotelshchik, part of Power Machines, manufactured and supplied a waste heat boiler with a steam rate of 230 ton/hour to ensure stable steam parameters in any operating conditions of the gas turbine.
Apart from manufacturing and supplying the equipment, Power Machines provided installation supervision services and training to the customer’s personnel, and also participated in the individual testing and comprehensive validation of the power unit, followed by warranty tests.
With the implementation of the project, the installed electric capacity of Izhevskaya TPP-1 has increased fourfold – from 60 MW to 290 MW, while its heat output has reached 643 Gcal/h.
The startup of the new power unit at Izhevskaya TPP-1 is a continuation of the successful cooperation between Power Machines and IES-Holding. Similar equipment had been manufactured and supplied by Power Machines for a new power unit which was put into operation at Permskaya TPP-9 (TGC-9 OJSC) this February.
At present Power Machines are participating in other two projects of IES-Holding, aimed at equipping new power units at Vladimirskaya TPP-2 (TGC-6 OJSC) and Kirovskaya TPP-3 (TGC-5 OJSC); relevant contracts were signed with TGC-6 OJSC and TGC-5 OJSC in 2010.