ABLV Bank Announces New Payment Cards
OREANDA-NEWS. Investment gold in bars and other investment product innovations, widening the market of business financing, new design of payment cards, easier and more convenient Internetbank - these are the main aims of products' and services' innovations, some have been already implemented and some are being realised in the nearest months.
1. More investment opportunities
As we announced earlier, ABLV Bank has started the Fourth Bond Offer Programme. Today, within this programme the two new bond issues are taking place. Until 30 June 2014, bank's clients can subscribe to straight coupon bonds in the amount of USD 75 million and EUR 20 million.
When all necessary permissions from the financial sector supervision organisations in Latvia and Luxembourg were obtained, ABLV mutual funds were included in the Luxembourg stock market, which is characterised by intense competition. Thus, thousands of mutual funds are available to investors there. In this regard, our open-end mutual funds have become available to ABLV Bank Luxembourg clients.
Already this summer, we are planning to offer another new service - safekeeping of tangible gold in standard bars, weighting from 350 up to 430 tr.oz (around 12 kg). This service will be available to legal entities that are already using our brokerage services. Information about investment gold in bars will be displayed in clients investment portfolio statement, including the number of bar, assay value, manufacturer and place of storage. Safekeeping is being ensured by our business partner, a respectable Swiss bank, Credit Suisse.
2. Trading platform for independent usage in the Russian exchange
For our clients who are willing to use trading opportunities of the Russian Exchange on their own, we start offering a trading platform, Quik Trader ABLV. Using this platform, they will get access to online trading in the Moscow Exchange (MOEX), and settlement will be performed in RUB. Quik Trader ABLV completes the list of existing trading platforms J-Trader ABLV (used for trading with derivative financial instruments in the US and European exchanges) and Orbis Trader ABLV (used for trading with US securities).
3. Informing about investment at a new level
Taking into account that the number of messages regarding bond and shares events is being high, and it will continue to grow further, we have created an easy and convenient way of supplying information to our bond- and shareholders, similar to the one used by global investment companies.
We have added The Investor's Calendar to our home page www.ablv.com <http://www.ablv.com>, where we are going to publish messages about bank's bonds and shares, including public offer programmes, results of issues, dates of coupon payment, bond redemptions, meetings of the shareholders, financial results, etc. A special search option will allow clients to look through all corporate events that are related to their bonds and shares.
We have modified clients' reports on investment portfolios, in which now they will be able to see the percentage representation of portfolio assets according to their types and currencies, as well as their graphic illustration. In turn, future reports on transactions in financial instruments will contain information on corporate events of issuers.
We have started to submit reports on deals with derivative financial instruments that we supply as service provider. According to European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) these reports are to be submitted both by banks and clients. Ensuring convenient service, we offer bank's clients to compile and submit reports on their behalf.
4. Widening the market of business financing
Taking into account our clients' demand, we are widening the market of business financing. Already this summer, we are offering financing services to legal entities against the pledge of commercial premises in Lithuania, Estonia and Belarus. This will ensure financing opportunities in all neighbouring to Latvia countries.
5. Fiduciary transactions for Luxembourg bank clients
Having successfully completed piloting of services, our subsidiary bank in Luxembourg has started to offer their clients the following fiduciary transactions:
Fiduciary deposits are unique opportunity of making term deposits in the banks of the CIS states and in Europe;
Fiduciary loans allow clients to grant loans to third parties.
6. Improved Internetbank, now it is more reliable, convenient and easier
This summer, we release a new updated version of the main Internetbank. The aim of these regular updates and improvements is to make client's work in the Internetbank easier, more convenient and decrease the number of 'clicks' as well as to strengthen its security. There are a lot of innovations, therefore, they will be implemented in three stages.
The most significant improvements in June will be:
Automatic identification of beneficiary bank through beneficiary account in the IBAN format;
Option of sending a message to a private banker with the attachment five times bigger than prior volume, up to 5 MB;
Contact information of your private bankers, as well as contact details of brokers and dealers;
The display of payment card information in the table with accounts balance;
Request-confirmation (test-key) for saving of SMS and email messages settings and unblocking of payment card;
Saving of deleted payments and applications.
Payment from a card account to a current account and saving of transaction report in the XLS format will become the most prominent innovations in the Internetbank in July.
In turn, in August we will offer an updated and easier application form of card account opening and receipt of payment card, which will become available to legal entities. There will be a lot of minor improvements that in total will decrease the number of 'clicks'.
7. New design of payment cards
From July 2014 we will start to offer debit and credit cards in a new design and immaculate quality.
ABLV brand style and its elements have become the main concept of a new design for ABLV payment cards. A new ABLV pattern, a graphic picture, has been specially created inspired by the idea of revealing new ABLV edges. A new design stands for clearness, conciseness, diversity and clarity. To highlight card's status, a graphic pattern differs: the higher the class of the card, the bigger the pattern and the more concise image. It addition, cards are covered with lacquer and nacre.