Moldova Solves Problems of Mass Privatization of Land
OREANDA-NEWS. June 05, 2014. This is stipulated by the amendments to the Law on Cadastre, adopted by the Parliament. In the period of the mass transfer of ownership of land no state geodetic network was presented, and plans were drawn up in land or the local coordinate system.
All this has led to the existence of the overlap in the cadastral plan of the territory contained in the territorial cadastral offices. So the situation when the data from the inventory did not match the data on the ground, creating disputes between neighbors has been created. To make decisions that will solve these problems without trial, it was offered a number of amendments to the Law on the Real Estate Cadastre.
They include initial works to establish the boundaries of administrative units and boundaries within the village, and then the works to establish boundaries of land. The law is supplemented by a new article on the establishment and marking pegs through the land borders, which regulates the procedure. The changes also clearly define the procedure to solve the existing lining the cadastral plan.
In case where the boundary of land shown in the cadastral plan, does not coincide with the actual possession of land and there is no act of establishing boundaries, local public authorities , at the request of the owner, sets the boundaries of the land on the ground on the basis of documents that it is highlighted.
If the boundary can not be determined on the basis of these documents, when establishing boundaries actual ownership of adjacent land, provided that the difference in land area does not exceed 10 % of the area, taken from the documents confirming the right will be defined. New geometric plan and the act on establishing boundaries will serve as a basis for changing the data in the inventory of the real property.