SOCAR Announces Oil Products Export for May 2014
OREANDA-NEWS. SOCAR Marketing and Economic Operations Department exported 47 thousand 330 tons of diesel fuel, 7 thousand 592 tons of aircraft gasoline, 178 tons of stove oil, and 21 thousand 608 tons of vacuum gas oil in May 2014.
In general, 383 tons of petrol, 297 thousand 434 tons of diesel fuel, 43 thousand 59 tons of aircraft gasoline, 178 tons of stove oil, and 70 thousand 374 tons of vacuum gas oil were exported during January-May 2014. For May 2014, the average prices for oil products in the world market are as follows: leaded petrol (per ton) - USD 995,24, aircraft gasoline - USD 948,41, diesel fuel - USD 897,29, and black oil containing 1% sulphur - USD 638,25.