OREANDA-NEWS. On May 21, 2014, at the initiative of Primary organizations of the aircraft building constructors' trade union of Ukraine at the ANTONOV Company and at the ANTONOV Serial plant, a preliminary action of the ANTONOV Company's collective aiming to assert its rights on preservation of the enterprise's unity and to support Dmytro Kiva as its leader, was conducted. The action took place near the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

About 2000 participants required the country's leaders to listen to the ANTONOV collective's opinion and to stop interfering into the activity of the enterprise as well as to deny the order of the Cabinet of Ministers about dismissal of Dmytro Kiva from position of the Chairman of the ANTONOV State aircraft building concern.

At the end of the action a collective appeal, signed by about 9000 ANTONOV's employees, addressed to Oleksandr Turchinov, Acting as President of Ukraine, and Arsenii Yatseniuk, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, was passed to the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers. Anatolii Maksiuta, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, met the initiative group from the ANTONOV Company. Within the meeting he assured that the ministry controlled decision of the questions mentioned above and would do everything possible to provide effective work of the ANTONOV Company and the aviation branch in a whole. “We are sure, that the aviation branch of Ukraine has very good perspectives and international experts confirm this opinion”, - said Anatolii Maksiuta.