Unemployment Rate Amounts to 5,2% in Kazakhstan
OREANDA-NEWS. May 22, 2014. In 2013, the unemployment rate amounted to 5.2% in Kazakhstan. It has been reported by Vice Prime Minister Gulshara Abdykalikova today. She delivered a welcome speech at the III International scientific-practical conference on "From social protection to social progress."
G.Abdykalikova stressed that given the global stagnation in the world it important for Kazakhstan to strengthen social stability.
"This task has been designated by the President in a programmatic article "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: 20 steps to the Universal Society of Labour" in the Strategy Kazakhstan-2050". The President set a task to enter the top thirty most developed countries. We understand that it is possible with a competitive human potential only," G. Abdykalikova said.
According to her, Kazakhstan has some successes in the social sphere today.
"Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations until 2015 to halve poverty, to provide with universal primary education have been achieved. There was a low unemployment rate - 5.2% in 2013. In 2012, the Human Development Index Kazakhstan ranked 69th out of 186 countries, which corresponds to the group of countries with high human development," Vice Premier noted.
The conference being held in the Nazarbayev University is attended by Parliament members, representatives of public organs, international social institutions (International Social Security Association (ISSA), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Association of Pension and Social Funds (APSF), National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Federation of Trade Unions, Employers' Confederation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the scientific and expert community of the CIS countries, Europe, Africa and Latin America.
It should be noted that the main objective of the conference is to discuss the new principles of social policy in the context of the global crisis. The most pressing issues in the field of social security, including social insurance are focus of attention.