Heathrow Publishes Improved Expansion Proposals
OREANDA-NEWS. Improved expansion proposals published by Heathrow are the only way to connect all of the UK to growth.
Heathrow today announced an improved plan to expand the UK's hub airport that will create more than 100,000 new UK jobs and at least GBP 100bn of UK economic benefits by connecting all of the UK to global growth.
The figures are part of Heathrow's revised expansion plans that will be submitted tomorrow to the Airports Commission. The submission follows discussions with local residents and businesses, the public, businesses around the country, passengers, airlines and elected representatives across the UK's nations and regions. Heathrow is the UK's only hub and the only option that will connect the whole of the UK to new emerging economies, bringing jobs and prosperity to the country. It is deliverable, fundable and will create a world-class global gateway to make Britain proud. And it proposes to go further than any other large-scale UK infrastructure project in compensating for its impact on surrounding communities.
Key elements of Heathrow's proposals include:
Every nation and region of Britain to be connected to global markets:
More than 100,000 new jobs created. This includes 50,000 new jobs in the local Heathrow area, plus a further 20,000+ across London and another 50,000+ across the UK.
At least GBP 100bn of UK economic benefits, better than any other airport expansion option.
40 new direct, daily routes to fast growing economies such as San Jose, Wuhan and Kolkata.
Doubling cargo capacity to improve UK export competitiveness. 65% of the UK's GBP 400bn freight exports already travel via Heathrow.
New rail access to Wales and the West through the Western mainline, the South and South West through Southern Rail Access, and the North through HS2. Total rail capacity will treble from 5,000 to 15,000 seats per hour.
A Taskforce for Regional Connectivity will be established to develop proposals for how regional air links to Heathrow can be improved. Additional capacity will provide space for flights to cities such as Inverness, Liverpool and Newquay.
Investment in airport infrastructure will create jobs across the UK while a new runway is being built
We've listened to local views and developed a significantly different expansion proposition to 2007, and an improvement on our initial proposal in July 2013:
By 2030, at least a 30% reduction in the number of people in Heathrow's noise footprint to deliver the lowest noise levels since the 1970s.
Located farther south, the updated runway proposal affects 200 fewer homes, preserves historical buildings in Harmondsworth and maintains the existing M25/M4 junction.
New section of M25 to be tunnelled and upgraded alongside the existing section, increasing capacity and reducing congestion without disrupting road users.
12,000 fewer people will be affected by significant noise by moving the proposed runway farther south.
A total compensation fund of over GBP 550m allocated for noise insulation and property compensation. This is more generous than previously proposed for a third runway and proposals for most other infrastructure projects. (Proposed residential property compensation includes: 25% above market value for properties subject to compulsory purchase; stamp-duty costs on a new home; legal fees paid).
Improvements in schools, publicly accessible green space and flood protection for local communities.
A deliverable, world-class hub and global-gateway to make Britain proud:
Heathrow offers the fastest, most cost effective and most practical route to delivering new hub capacity. Costs are estimated at GBP 15.6bn, all of which would be privately funded. Government support for surface access improvements would be required and is estimated at GBP 1.2bn.
A third runway would be delivered by 2025.
A third runway has local support. 57% of local people say they have a positive view of the airport compared to just 6% who have a negative view. 48% of local people support Heathrow expansion compared to 34% who are opposed. And in the last six months 20,000 people have joined Back Heathrow to campaign in support of the jobs and opportunities that expansion would bring.
A new Heathrow West and Heathrow East layout would mean two, easy to navigate points of entry, improving passenger experience.
A single transit system to bring connection times in line with competitor hub airports.
Heathrow has successfully delivered GBP 11bn of infrastructure safely, on time, on budget and to high quality without affecting the operation of one of the world's busiest airports. The new Terminal 2, which will open in June, has been the safest construction project in the UK and has used a UK-wide supply-chain.
John Holland-Kaye, Development Director and Chief Executive Designate of Heathrow said:
“Expansion at Heathrow matters to the whole country. Only Heathrow will connect all of the UK to fast growing international markets. The plans we are submitting to the Airports Commission demonstrate major economic benefits from a third runway for the whole of the UK.
“Expansion at Heathrow has national and local support. We have worked closely with local residents, listened to their concerns and improved our plans. Our submission reduces the number of properties that would need to be purchased and the number of people affected by significant noise. We would establish a fund to enhance local amenities and compensate residents more generously than previous UK infrastructure projects.
“Our plans are deliverable. Heathrow offers the fastest, most cost effective and practical route to connect the whole of the UK to growth and we have proven our ability to deliver a world-class hub that will make Britain proud. Building on Heathrow's existing strength will connect the whole of the UK to growth, keep Britain as an ambitious global nation and help the UK win the global race.”