OREANDA-NEWS. April 29, 2014. A meeting on the implementation of modern BIM technologies in construction in Kazakhstan has been held under the chairmanship of Kazakhstan Regional Development Minister Bolat Zhamishev.

The meeting was attended by company officials "Autodesk", "Bentley Systems", "Tekla Corporation", "Nemetschek" "IndorSoft" and members of the Kazakhstan estimated program market - "Incom ABC" (ABC-4 program), Design Academy "KAZGOR" (program SANA-2001). Also developers of estimated programs, representatives of design and construction community participated in the meeting.

Introduction of innovative design technology that allows to reduce the time of estimate documents development while under the resource method of construction cost valuation is one of the major and essential directions of theprice reform so far.

The solution to this problem is connected with the necessity of innovative technologies introduction in designing, namely modern BIM (Building Information Modeling) programs inworld-famous construction.

Reports of developers using BIM technology with the presentation of real projects projected in 3D on Kazakhstan projects were delivered within the meeting heard.

So, the technical director of LLC "IndorSoft" Denis Petrenko presented implemented projects to build roads in Kazakhstan using BIM technology under "IndorSad" program. According to him, with this program Kazakhstan’s roads are designed for over 10 years and this program has successfully been mastered by the leading design companies in road construction. Company executive noted the benefits of the program module of 6D format used for road operating period, as well as informed about the developments that will introduce 5D module on the valuation of projects. These works are planned to be completed by the end of this year.

Director of LLC NPP "FAA -H" Vladimir Izatov reported on the results of the initial phase of 5D module development by way of example in a project of 40-apartment house in Astana. According to him, this innovative solution is obtained on the basis of their estimated program "ABC" in conjunction with the program "Allplan" and allows the use existing and prospective estimate and regulatory framework in Kazakhstan. In the future they plan to expand information base on other projects often used for public procurement. Those are such projects as kindergartens, schools, hospitals, office buildings, housing, etc.

Results of "Bentley Systems", "Autodesk" companies work on using BIM technology in construction at 5D modules showed real opportunities to expand the market of modern software products in the field of construction.

In general, participants noted the favourable prospects of implementing BIM technology for the construction industry in Kazakhstan. "BestHausAsia" (Almaty) and "KKK Ltd (Karaganda)" companies were also noted as examples of the development of new design system. To date, the use of BIM technology in industrial housing construction of the last company allowed to complete the development of this technology of the project 9-storey residential house and to start design works of the next object in Karaganda.

Concluding the meeting, the Minister noted the level of work done on the reform of the pricing system in Kazakhstan in introducing effective methods of estimates in the preparation of design estimates. "First of all this work is important for the construction of the facilities at the expense of public investments. In general, the results of ongoing comprehensive work aimed at improving the public procurement of work of building contractors, improving the quality of facilities, to meet the needs of our citizens," Bolat Zhamishev concluded.

For reference:

BIM refers to Building Information Modeling or Building Information Models.

Building information modeling is an approach to the construction, equipment, operation and repair ensuring of the building (management during its life-cycle), which involves the collection and integrated processing in the process of designing the entire architectural design, technological, economic and other information on building together with its interconnections dependencies, when the building and everything that has to do with it, as a single object.