Chairman of Center-Invest Bank Presents Book on ICT in Southern Russia
OREANDA-NEWS. April 29, 2014. Rostov State Economics University has published a new book by the chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors, Dr Vasily Vysokov, entitled “Information and Communications Technology in Southern Russia”.
Dr Vysokov’s analysis of the results of special studies, monitoring and official statistics shows that southern Russia is an “outsider among leaders” with regard to the development of information and communication technology (ICT) in Russia. Analysis of regional and global trends in ICT development means that the “backward advantage” can be used to accelerate southern Russia’s economic development. To this end, the education, business and public administration sectors in southern Russia must use ICT more effectively. Specifically:
Each of these sectors should move from traditional ways of using ICT to mastering new working methods based on ICT.
ICT should be used not only for routine administrative tasks, but also for creative thinking.
Best international practice in ICT should be localised, drawing on the advantages of southern Russia’s diversified economy and entrepreneurial spirit.
The heads of government bodies, entrepreneurs, and ICT staff and students can use the qualitative assessments of ICT development in southern Russia and the interpretation of this data to take their own decisions about how they can use ICT to develop business.