OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2014. Board of Directors of OJSC LSR Group (LSE: LSRG; MICEX, RTS: LSRG), hereinafter “LSR Group”, approved agenda of the Annual Shareholders Meeting of LSR Group.


1. Approval of LSR Group annual report 2013.

2. Approval of LSR Group annual financial statements 2013 (RAS) including income statements (profit and loss accounts).

3. Distribution of LSR Group profits based on the results of financial year 2013.

4. Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors.

5. Election of members to the Board of Directors of LSR Group.

6. Election of members to the Internal Audit Commission of LSR Group.

7. Approval of the auditors of LSR Group for 2014.

8. Approval of the revised Charter of LSR Group.

9. Approval of the revised Regulations on the Board of Directors of LSR Group.

10. Approval of the revised Regulations on the Executive Committee of LSR Group.

9. Authorization of transactions according to the Article 83 of the RF Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies.

Date, place, time of AGM: June 20, 2014, conference-hall, 1 Nevsky, St. Petersburg, 11:00 am (Moscow time)

Start of registration of persons entitled to attend the General Shareholders’ Meeting: 10:00 am (Moscow time)

Record date for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting: May 5, 2014.

The Board of Directors decided to approve A.I. Vakhmistrov as a chairman of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of OJSC LSR Group and I.G. Bogacheva – as a secretary of AGM.

The Board of Directors also recommended the AGM the following:

-    adopt a dividend of RUB 40.00 per ordinary share based on the results of the 2013 financial year and to approve July 1, 2014 as the date to determine the list of persons entitled to receive dividends.

-    not to distribute the rest of the net profit based on the results of financial year 2013.