Russian Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin Visited OJSC "IL"
OREANDA-NEWS. On March 17, 2014 Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.O. Rogozin visited Aviation Complex Ilyushin (OJSC “IL”).
The meeting was attended by Y.B. Slyusar - Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation, A.N. Klepach - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, V.M. Okulov - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, K.N. Biryulin - Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation, V.E. Masalov - General Director of OJSC United Engine Corporation, M.A. Pogosyan - President of JSC “United Aircraft Corporation”, V.V. Livanov - General Director - General Designer of OJSC “IL”, A.I. Rubtsov - General Director of Ilyushin Finance Co.
Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin told attendees that at the present time it is necessary to shift to complete cycle of engineering and building of national equipment. The country with 9 time zones can not exist and manage normally without its own national aviation.
Having proceeded to discussion on how the things are going at the enterprise, Dmitry Olegovich marked a multi-purpose transport aircraft, engineering of a light military-transport aircraft IL-112 and rebirth of the civil passenger IL-114 aircraft for domestic airlines as the most prospective projects. Building of IL-76MD-90A aircraft (IL-476 project) is also among other tasks.
OJSC “IL” General Director - General Designer Viktor Vladimirovich Lianov told in details the way these projects are being realized today.