OREANDA-NEWS. Pulkovo Airport finishes flights moving to the new Terminal-1. From March 28, 2014, flights of the remaining airlines Air France and KLM will be moved from Pulkovo-2 to the new Terminal-1.

On March 27, 2014, only 2 following flights will be arrived at Pulkovo-2: Paris-Saint-Petersburg (AF 1052) at 16:35 and Amsterdam-Saint-Petersburg (KL 1395) at 18.30.

Pulkovo-2 terminal will cease operational activities on passenger services on March 27, 2014 after the departure of flights at 17.30 to Paris (AF 1053) and at 19.30 to Amsterdam (KL 1396).

From March 28, 2014, flights of all airlines will be operated from the new Terminal-1 of Pulkovo airport.

Please note that there is a change in the schema of vehicle traffic on the forecourt at the new Terminal-1. Passenger unloading from vehicles will be provided on the upper level of the ramp (departure zone), passenger loading will be provided on the lower level of the ramp (arrival zone).

How to get to the new Terminal-1:

The new terminal is located at: 41ZA Pulkovskoe Shosse, St. Petersburg. The new public transport stop (buses - A39 and taxi vans - K39) is operated in front of the building for the convenience of passengers.