Enel Board of Directors Approves 2013 Results
OREANDA-NEWS. Revenues: 80,535 million euros (84,949 million euros in 2012, -5,2%);
EBITDA: 17,011 million euros (15,809 million euros in 2012, +7,6%);
EBIT: 9,944 million euros (6,806 million euros in 2012, +46.1%), taking into account the goodwill writedown of 744 million euros (2,584 million euros in 2012);
Group net income: 3,235 million euros (238 million euros in 2012), including the above goodwill writedown;
Group net ordinary income: 3,119 million euros (2,828 million euros in 2012, +10.3%);
Net financial debt: 39,862 million euros (42,948 million euros as of December 31st, 2012, -7.2%);
Proposed dividend for 2013: 0.13 euros per share.
2014-2018 Business Plan
presented to the financial community
EBITDA of around 15.5 billion euros in 2014, around 16.5 billion euros in 2016 and around 18 billion euros in 2018;
Group net ordinary income of around 3 billion euros in 2014, around 3.7 billion in 2016 and around 4.5 billion in 2018;
Net financial debt of around 37 billion euros in 2014, around 39 billion in 2016 and around 36 billion in 2018;
Continued positive cash generation, supported by a major cost reduction plan and optimisation of capital expenditure;
Completion of debt reduction process, including finalisation of the approximately 4.4 billion euro asset disposal programme to be carried out by the end of 2014;
Acceleration of Group reorganization, also through minority buyouts;
Enhancement of dividend policy starting from 2015: pay-out of at least 50% on Group net ordinary income versus current 40%.
The Board of Directors of Enel S.p.A. (“Enel”), chaired by Paolo Andrea Colombo, late yesterday evening approved the results for 2013.
“I am extremely pleased about the results posted in 2013” Stated Fulvio Conti, Enel Group CEO and General Manager “These results confirm the effectiveness of Enel's geographical and technological diversification strategy. Managerial actions executed towards cost-efficiency and investment optimization have enabled us to achieve the financial targets as well as beating the target on net financial debt reduction. These results were posted despite the continuing adverse economic cycle in Italy and Spain as well as the harshly disadvantageous regulatory measures adopted by the Spanish government in 2012 and 2013. The Group continues to generate positive free cash flow. Over the next five years we plan to continue our strategy focusing on debt reduction and cash generation. We will also continue to simplify our corporate structure as well as reorganizing the Group. Thanks to the combined effect of these actions, we expect that we will enhance our dividend policy, starting from 2015”.