OREANDA-NEWS. March 13, 2014. EMT's head of technology Tiit Tammiste will introduce Estonia's experience on implementing Mobile ID to high-ranking state officials at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Tiit Tammiste will also propose to introduce an international standard for enabling the use of Mobile ID across borders.

Tammiste describes the prerequisites for Mobile ID's success: "Estonia's experience shows that large-scale adoption of Mobile ID requires a complete package – supportive attitude of the state, legislation, applications provided by private sector, and end-users' trust and motivation to use the apps and take advantage of the possibilities the technology offers".

Tammiste says he will propose at the high-ranking state and government officials panel discussion on mobile identity held at the Mobile World Congress to develop an international standard for Mobile ID.

"Adopting Mobile ID across borders would be more simple if carriers would have to follow the standards created by the GSM Association", Tammiste says. "Secure mobile identification simplifies several important daily tasks for both private consumers and businesses, especially in today's world where mobile devices take over from PCs and laptops".

MWC participants can also check out other related technical solutions developed in Estonia – with the support from Enterprise Estonia, Estonian booth features Certification Center and cross-border digital signing solution provider Signwise.

On Wednesday, Alexander Stubb, Finnish Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade, will give a keynote speech on Finland's experience with Mobile ID to close to 300 government officials at the panel discussion on mobile identity. Alongside EMT's head of technology Tiit Tammiste, the panel will feature Daniel Gurrola, VP Stategy of Orange, and David Rennie, Head of Proposition, Cabinet Office, Government Digital Service (UK).

Mobile World Congress, the world's biggest congress in the telecoms and technology industry, started on Febr. 24 and will run until Febr. 27 in Barcelona. More than 1,700 producers, carriers and developers introduce their products and services. The event is expected to welcome more than 80,000 visitors. MWC will also host wide-ranging panel discussion sessions and speeches on mobile trends and perspectives directed to high-level managers in the field of ICT.