Management of IDGC of Centre Takes Part in Conference of IC ATON
OREANDA-NEWS. March 5, 2014 IDGC of Centre's management took part in the IC ATON's Utilities Day Conference.
During a meeting with representatives of investment funds IDGC of Centre's management commented on the main indicators of production and financial results of the company for 2013, informed about the approved uniform (joint operation) tariffs for electricity transmission in the regions of IDGC of Centre's service area, and also highlighted the main areas for further cost optimization in the company and plans for 2014. The conference had high interest in IDGC of Centre: the meeting was attended by 20 representatives of investment companies.
IDGC of Centre's management noted that participation in the IC ATON's Conference, focused on companies of the electricity sector, allows to expand its base of industry specific investors, to build effective communication and promptly respond to questions from representatives of investment funds. Such activities contribute to the maintenance of information openness of IDGC of Centre at a high level. Information openness of the Company, along with a high level of corporate governance and compliance with shareholders' interests are among the key components of investment attractiveness, according to representatives of IDGC of Centre.