State Commission Considered Social Projects of Kem Region Development
OREANDA-NEWS. On March, 3 the working group on development of single-industry towns chaired by Rashid Nurgaliyev, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, and Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen have visited the region of Kem within the scope of the trip to northern regions of Karelia.
Participants of the working group including representatives of many federal ministries and agencies, could get acquainted with perspective investment sites on-the-spot, and have visited social and historical objects of the White Sea Coast area that need reconstruction and restoration. Discussion of joint plans for development of Kem region within the scope of preparation for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the republic of Karelia continued at the session of the working group with representatives of active functionaries of the region, representatives of ministries of the republic, the State Duma deputy Valentina Pivnenko and Chief Federal Inspector in the Republic of Karelia Alexander Hynninen.
- Kem region has got strategic prospects. Today the vector of policy pursued by the Government of Russia is aimed towards the Northern territories. This is, first of all, the Northern Sea Route that provides transport accessibility to the rapidly growing Asia region. Therefore, the port of Kem and economy of the region will receive a prerequisite development, - Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen has told at the session of the working group.
Investment project of construction of deep-water sea port in Kem was presented by the project head Aivo Hallist. On his words, thanks to its favourable location on the coast of the White Sea and availability of railway junction, in the years to come Kem region may become the largest distribution centre in trade relations with Asia. Early studies of water area of the port have shown that after deeping of bed the depth here can make up to 25 metres that will enable admission of boats of any class. The port will serve both imports, and exports. Coal, iron ore, oil products, wood, saw-timbers, peat, containers, - these and other cargoes will be transported through Kem. The investor intends to launch construction in 2016, and the first vessels will arrive in 2020. The port will provide jobs for a thousand people, related enterprises will also require additional manpower.
Aivo Hallist has thanked Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen, cabinet ministers of the republic and heads of Kem region for continuous support in implementation of the project. As he said, favourable conditions for entrepreneurship have been created today in the republic, regional and local authorities are interested in mobilization of investments.
Managing director of Nord Hydro JSC Alexey Vinogradov has told at the session of the working group about the second large investment project to be implemented in Kem region. His enterprise registered in Karelia is engaged in construction of minihydro power plants in regions of Russia. Speaking of activities within the territory of the republic, Nord Hydro JSC has already built Laskela and Rymakoski minihydro power plants in North Ladoga Lakeside. Today the company considers construction of two minihydro power plants of Byeloporozhsky hydro-electric power station-1 and hydro-electric power station-2 within the territory of Kem region. Nord Hydro JSC had forgone the old project designed in Soviet times that supposed construction of one large power station in favour of two minihydro power plants, that will allow to lessen cardinally the flood water zone and to keep historical settlements in this region. The building deadline is very tight and makes about 4 years, however the experience of hydrobuilders allows to set and cope with such challenges. Economic benefit for Karelia from construction of the stations will make about 200 million roubles of tax revenues. More than 350 people will be engaged in the construction. Upon start-up of the stations the deficiency of power capacities in the republic will decrease.
Investments in social sphere of the region were also considered during the session of the working group. The so-called minor plan of preparation for the centenary of the republic includes reconstruction of the stadium in Kem and of the waste water treatment plant in the settlement of Krivoi Porog. Restoration of the unique wooden Cathedral of the Assumption in Kem is included in one of the federal programs. The project of the Solovetsky Archipelago development program assumes assignment of funds for reconstruction of the marine terminal that will enable growth of tourist flow arriving in Kem to proceed to Solovki.
Representatives of various institutions of Kem region have got a chance to tell at the meeting about the problems faced by residents of northern territories. Among them there are roads to be repaired, reconstruction of public utilities, construction of sports facilities, furnishing schools with modern production equipment, rendering support to consumers' co-operative societies.
Right at the meeting Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen has instructed on solution of many issues mentioned. Participants of the working group are to report to heads of national ministries and agencies about problems that require assistance and involvement of federal authorities. It is one of advantages Karelia may take within the scope of work of the State Commission for preparation for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the republic.
It should be mentioned that some specific solutions concerning improvement of living standards in Kem region were proposed by participants of the working group during the session. For instance, representative of FSUE Russian Post has told about the intention to the enterprise to reconstruct one of the branch post-offices of Kem next year. The issue of reassignment of the post office of Solovki to the Department of the Federal Postal Service of the Republic of Karelia will be considered.
Head of the working group Rashid Nurgaliyev has pointed out good preparation of projects presented in Kem region.