IDGC of Centre Sums Up in Field of Environmental Policy
OREANDA-NEWS. The Program to implement the environmental policy for 2013 was adjusted and approved by the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre (Minutes #33/12 of 27.12.2012). It includes activities that carry significant environmental burden, and aimed to minimize the negative impact of the company's activities on the environment. In terms of the planned measures for 2013 the Program to implement the environmental policy was completely executed in accordance with the scope of its financing.
IDGC of Centre constantly carries out environmental protection activities of air and water pollution, monitors soil condition, groundwater from wells, controls the process of formation, accumulation and the waste disposal system, implements a program of industrial control to comply with federal laws, including the sanitary norms and rules. All specialists of IDGC of Centre, responsible for environmental activities in the company, have higher and secondary technical education. Vocational retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of ecology is performed regularly on the site of educational institutions and other organizations that have an appropriate license to conduct educational activities in the field of environmental protection.
As part of the implementation of the environmental policy in 2013, the technical activities were performed: maintenance and repair of substation equipment, repair of oil receivers of transformers, and replacement of gravel underneath the bedding, drainage devices, replacement of oil-filled bushings for bushings with solid insulation, and the use of self-supporting insulated wire. Including, replacement of oil switches for vacuum and gas-insulated ones is performed.
So, for the year 37 oil circuit breakers were replaced for 35 kV gas-insulated and 504 oil switches were replaced for 10 kV vacuum.
According to the developed schedule of disposal of equipment containing PCBs, in 2013 IDGC of Centre utilized 112.26 tons of PCBs or 3,236 pieces of equipment containing hazardous substances. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of highly dangerous to humans and the environment compounds for which in recent years considerable efforts have been made to control both at the national and international level. Their flows are regulated, in particular, by the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Stockholm Convention on POPs.
PCBs are included in the list of twelve POPs of the greatest concern, which, according to the Stockholm Convention “should be banned for use, their production should be stopped, and all stocks should be destroyed”.
In 2014 IDGC of Centre plans to continue work on the implementation of new environmental technologies, materials, equipment, and follow the path of compliance with environmental legislation in order to reduce the negative impact of the company's activity on the environment.