OREANDA-NEWS. February 25, 2014. Estonian Air has signed a commercial agreement with Vaxjo Smaland Airport in Sweden to serve the air route between Vaxjo and Amsterdam as from May 2014. Estonian Air will serve the route with 76-seater Embraer 170, and the commercial agreement is valid for one year.

According to the commercial agreement, Estonian Air serves the route between Vaxjo and Amsterdam with eight flights a week starting May 4, 2014.

“The agreement gives Estonian Air a very good possibility to utilise one of its two surplus aircraft capacity with low risk, and it is of course convenient to operate to Amsterdam since we do operate the same destination from Tallinn,” said Jan Palmer, the CEO of Estonian Air.

Estonian Air fleet comprises seven aircraft: four Embraer 170 and three CRJ900 NextGen. Estonain Air is serving its regular flight network with five aircraft to Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Brussels, Oslo, Moscow, Munich, St Petersburg, Kiev, Vilnius and Trondheim. At the moment one aircraft is based in Birmingham for charter and other traffic contracts on the European market in cooperation with ACS in London.