Bank of Moscow and Jet Infosystems Build Data Processing Centre
OREANDA-NEWS. The Bank of Moscow and Jet Infosystems company completed the construction of a failure-resistant Data Processing Centre (DPC) in the city centre. The scope of work ranged from the building constructive preparation to engineering systems launch. The project took into account the restrictions existing in the capital on energy consumption and on the utilization of the nearby territory as well as the housing density. The Data Processing Centre complies with the requirements of Russian supervising bodies as well as the international quality standard TIA-942.
The Bank of Moscow enters top 5 largest Russian banks. Upon the Bank's entry into VTB Group in 2011 the commercial organization's business developed ahead of the market in all fields of activity which of course required an enhancement of computing capacity and a prompt reaction of IT to business demands. The parameters of the existing Data Processing Centres did not allow to increase their equipment quantity. In connection with this the Bank took a decision on the establishment of a new reliable Data Processing Centre that would ensure further IT-infrastructure development and its convenient use.
To locate its data-centre the Bank of Moscow chose a building in its ownership constructed in 1897 in the Boulevard ring area. The allocated space suited best for the location of a Data Processing Centre. However such a location determined a number of serious requirements to its implementation: it was necessary to retain the facades exterior, to take into account restrictions on power supply capacity and on the nearby area utilization. As a result of the tender Jet Infosystems company was chosen to be the project main contractor. An auditing company - one of the worldwide leaders in equipment production and construction of such type of buildings - was invited to control the compliance of the Data Processing Centre with international standards (from the point of view of documentation and implementation).
The project was split into several stages each including the coordination of the forthcoming work with supervisory bodies and the auditing company. The project team implemented constructive and architectural preparation: A water proof and air tight area (a module) of 350 square meters was created inside the premises which allowed to place the data centre equipment so that it would not impact the facades.
The second stage included planning and construction of engineering subsystems. At each phase a modelling was carried out to take into account the customer's requirements to the most. The premises were equipped with a structured cabling system, an electric lighting system, a distributed electric power supply, gaseous fire suppression, failure resistant electric power supply, control over environmental parameters and alarm system, access control and video monitoring, air conditioning and ventilation. Thanks to a careful calculation it was possible to use a minimal part of the nearby area to locate a diesel generator. To ensure a high reliability level all systems are reserved according to 2N plan.
"The project was peculiar because it required to comply with both Russian and international quality standards at the same time, considering the bank's needs and objective restrictions existing in the city centre", comments Sergey Andronov, Jet Infosystems Centre of network solutions director. "After a careful analysis of the existing conditions and working out solutions for each subsystem and for the whole complex we managed to find the golden mean that suited both the customer and the approving bodies."
"As a result we have a new modern data centre which enables us to bring the Bank's IT-infrastructure operation to a new quality level and promptly solve issues generated by the business", notes Vladimir Mishugin, the Bank of Moscow Vice-president, IT department director. The new Data Processing Centre infrastructure already operates normally, and the existing computing equipment is being transferred to the new Centre without interruption of customer service functioning. The consolidation made easier the IT-infrastructure maintenance, and also decreased operating costs. Besides the Bank's IT key objective is to ensure an uninterrupted functioning of the main customer service and settlement systems since even a short term disruption can cause serious damage, both in respect of reputation and finance. The creation of a new Data Processing Centre with a powerful and productive engineering infrastructure and a well developed system of access control allows to reduce the risks both of the Bank's existing key systems operation and those related to new services launch.