RWE Innogy's Wind Farm in Walsrode Is Nearing Completion
OREANDA-NEWS. RWE Innogy's wind farm Dushorner Heide in Walsrode, Lower Saxony, is nearing completion. This week, the first of a total of 13 wind turbines fed electricity into the grid. Every week, another plant is to follow so that it will be possible to commission the entire wind farm in the second quarter of 2014.
With an installed capacity of 26 megawatts, the wind farm will be able to produce up to 53,500 megawatt-hours of electricity per year. This is sufficient to supply around 16,000 households with green energy every year and to avoid an equivalent of 40,000 tons of CO2 emissions. The wind turbines of the Enercon E-82 type are erected on an area of 181 hectares. They have a hub height of 108 meters and a rotor diameter of 82 meters.
After completion, Green GECCO, the joint venture comprised of 29 municipal utilities and RWE Innogy, will take over the wind farm.