Eurasian Bank Increases its Profit by 34,3% in 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. February 11, 2014. By the results of 2013 Eurasian Bank has demonstrated sustainable growth of key indicators.
Net Income of the Bank (after tax) according to nonconsolidated financial statement complying with NBRK standards was KZT 12.9 bln which was 34.3% higher than the same indicator in 2012. Net Income of the Bank according to FMSC was KZT 14.6 bln, or 48.2% higher than in 2012.
Assets of the Bank grew by 26.1% to KZT 587 bln, and Loan Portfolio increased by 20.7% to KZT 460 bln. As of the end of 2013 the loan portfolio structure included 51.7% loans issued to corporate and SME sectors. Unsecured loans share in the retail portfolio (49.3%) was 23.3%.
Return on Average Equity (RoAE) and Return on Average Assets (RoAA) grew by 1.3% and 9.4% versus 2012 level and reached 24.9% and 2.4%, respectively. Net Interest Margin (NIM) for the year raised by 16.5% to 8.3%. In 2013 the share of received interest income of the Bank versus accrued interest income exceeded 91% while operational expenses to pre-provision operational income ratio reduced by 6% to 53.5%.
The number of clients' accounts grew by 67.5% to 1.3 mln, the Bank’s unique active clients database gained 33.9% having reached 867 436 at the end of 2013.
Continuing its service infrastructure development and technical platform enhancement Eurasian Bank opened 44 new outlets and 2 full service branches and installed 95 new ATMs and 169 new electronic payment terminals in 2013. The number of the Bank’s points of sales totaled 3,225 in Kazakhstan.
These indicators are record high for the Bank which has been demonstrating positive dynamics during the last four years. At the same time the Bank’s growing loan portfolio had a 8.9% share of non-performing loans (NPL) at the end of 2013, which is one of the best indicators in the sector.
Commenting the results of the year, Michael Eggleton, CEO of Eurasian Bank said: “We outperformed the targets of 2013. The Bank keeps growing remaining the absolute sector leader in a number of indicators. In 2014 we are going to invest even more efforts to become a reliable partner for our clients ensuring professional service and attractive products demanded by them.”