Pikalevskiy Cement Summarizes Its Charitable Activity in 2013 Pikalevs
OREANDA-NEWS. Pikalevskiy Cement, part of EUROCEMENT Group, in its capacity as a town-forming company, is actively engaged in implementing charitable projects, taking into account the interests of its staff and the town's residents. In 2013, the company provided assistance to various organizations and institutions in the Leningrad Region.
In April, the company was the official sponsor of the Open Championship for Russia's Northwest Federal District for synchronized swimming in 2013, for girls born between 1995 and 2000.
In June, Pikalevskiy Cement was one of the main partners in the city-wide festival 'Let's make the sun shine', dedicated to Child protection day.
During the summer holidays, Pikalevskiy Cement provided charitable assistance to the Municipal Cultural Institute Pikalevo Palace of Culture, in the organization of a community employment camp for teenagers. The main objectives of creating these 'eco-units' is to organize activities for minors during the summer holidays, enable them to pick up skills that they can use in the workplace, improve young people's awareness about the environment, instil in them the principles of environmental responsible behavior and give the teenagers the opportunity to earn a bit of pocket money.
During the month in question, the group carried out landscaping work on the square in front of the Palace of culture, planted trees and flowers, tended to the existing greenery, organized waste collection and also held various mass-participation sporting events and leisure and fitness programs for children living in Pikalevo.
In July 2013 Pikalevskiy Cement set aside some cement for the construction of the foundations of a banya at the House of mercy at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Tikhvin.
In August, the company handed over 22 complete sets of modern winter clothing to the ambulance unit at the Pikalevsk city hospital.
In September 2013 financial assistance was provided to Pikalevsk children's school of arts to help with the sewing of costumes to be worn by people performing in the children's folk music ensemble Ladushki, which has won several international and Russian competitions.
In October, Pikalevskiy Cement provided funding to the Palace of culture in Pikalevo that was put towards the organization and staging of a city-wide festival dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the cohabiting couples, 'Golden weddings'. This year 30 couples took part in the event, including 4 people who were veterans of Pikalevskiy Cement plant.
As part of the latest in a series of charitable campaigns, in November 2013, Pikalevskiy Cement provided financial assistance to the Children and young people's sports school in the town of Pikalevo, which was put towards the participation of pupils from the institution in the Open athletics championship in Sochi, dedicated to the memory of R.E. Levitsky, a Cavalier of the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.
Throughout 2013, young specialists from Pikalevskiy Cement organized and hosted a range of charitable and socially significant projects. On February 6, for example, representatives of the Council of young specialists at Pikalevskiy Cement met pupils from Middle School No. 1 in the city of Pikalevo and spoke to them about the harmful effects of smoking.
In May 2013, on the eve of Child protection day, young specialists from Pikalevskiy Cement visited the rehabilitation unit for families and children enduring difficult circumstances in life (Municipal Autonomous Institution 'Territorial center for social services for the people of Pikalevo') and awarded gifts to the children. Throughout the month, the Council of young specialists collected contributions from members of staff at the company, for children at the Centre. The members of staff brought clothes, shoes and toys for the children, including bicycles and a climbing frame. The money raised was used to purchase stationary, sweets and books.
With Knowledge Day around the corner, young specialists from Pikalevskiy Cement visited the Yefimov special boarding school for orphaned children and children left without parents or with disabilities, and awarded the future first-year students gift-sets consisting of school accessories.
Just before the New Year and Christmas holidays, young specialists form Pikalevskiy Cement gave the children of staff from the company their best wishes on the upcoming festivities. 35 children from 11 families of staff from the plant were delighted to be able to meet the biggest heroes of the New Year - Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka. Together they made wishes, performed group dances, recited poetry and sang songs. On his way out, Grandfather Frost handed each child a gift and wished them good health, joy and success in the New year!