Banco Bradesco Submits Proposal to BoD for Payment of Dividends
OREANDA-NEWS. Banco Bradesco S.A.'s (BM&FBOVESPA: BBDC3, BBDC4; NYSE: BBD, BBDO; and Latibex: XBBDC) Board of Executive Officers, in a meeting held today, decided to propose to the Board of Directors, in a meeting to be held on February 10, 2014, the following proposal:
"Board of Executive Officers proposal to be submitted to the approval of Banco Bradesco S.A.'s Board of Directors in a Meeting to be held on February 10, 2014
Messrs. Directors,
We propose the payment of dividends to the Company's shareholders, complementing the amounts already distributed to shareholders, related to the year 2013, in the amount of BRL 853,857,874.85, consisting of BRL 0.193790551 per common share and BRL 0.213169606 per preferred share, as follows:
. The shareholders registered in the Company's books on 2.10.2014 (declaration date) will be benefited. The Company's shares will be traded "ex-right" on dividends from 2.11.2014 on;
. The payment will be made on 3.7.2014 by the declared amount, with no Withholding Income Tax, under the terms of the Article 10 of Law # 9,249/95.
The dividends related to the shares held in custody at BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (Securities, Commodities and Future Exchange) will be paid to the referred BM&FBOVESPA S.A., which will transfer them to the shareholders through the depository agents.