OREANDA-NEWS. Fast Retailing Co., Ltd announces that at a board meeting held earlier today it has decided to pursue a secondary listing of Hong Kong depository receipts ("HDRs") on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "SEHK").

This decision is based on an expectation that the process to list HDRs in Hong Kong will be completed. No shares will be issued, and no capital will be raised through this secondary listing. Further announcement(s) regarding the listing of HDRs will be made in due course.

The Company has not yet received the formal approval for the listing of its HDRs, or any firmguarantee that such formal approval will be forthcoming. It is also possible that, even after receiving such formal approval, FAST RETAILING may decide to postpone the listing, depending on the business environment and market conditions at the time.

FAST RETAILING's stock will continue to have its primary listing on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with the addition of the secondary listing of HDRs in Hong Kong.

Reasons for an HDR listing are as follows:
1. To offer international investors the opportunity to invest in Hong Kong dollar denominated securities of the Company.
2. To demonstrate the Company's commitment to, and focus on, Asia.
3. To further improve the Company's exposure to investors and customers in the rapidly growing Asian market including China.

Planned listing date: March 5, 2014. Sponsor: Morgan Stanley Asia Limited.