Ukraine Put in Exploitation 11 mn sq m of Accommodation in 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. January 31, 2014. On the preliminary data, in the previous year in Ukraine there was put in exploitation around 11 million square meters of accommodation – it can become a record of last 20 years. The acting Vice Prime Minister Olexandr Vilkul announced during a meeting dedicated to the development of a building branch.
“One of the showings of effectiveness of the work of a building complex of the country is creating of new accommodation objects. On the preliminary data in Ukraine last year there was taken in exploitation around 11 million square meters. It can become the record of last 20 years. It has increased pre-crisis showings of 2007 and 2008 when there was observed a building boom in the country. The final data will be made public in February of 2014,” O. Vilkul said.
On the preliminary calculations of the Ministry of Regional Development and Building the amount of taken in exploitation accommodation can exceed the showings of 1994 (10.1 million square meters). “Such showings have been achieved at the account of new buildings (multi-flat and one-flat residential buildings) and at the account of activation of construction of accommodation that hasn’t been built for years,” Olexandr Vilkul explained.
On the forecast showings of 2013 there was taken in exploitation 115 thousand flats which is by 26% more than in 2012 and by 49% more than in 2010.
“The development of housing construction is stipulated by deregulation of the branch as well. Ukraine has made a colossal sprint towards simplifying of permission procedures in the construction domain. In the World Bank ranking of making business Ukraine has improved by 145 positions (from the 186 to the 41 position). Our goal is to enter the top 20 of the World Bank ranking”.
In March of 2013 the acting Vice Prime Minister Olexandr Vilkul set a task to the Ministry of Regional Development and regional state administrations to stir up completion of the delayed construction objects.
“A significant component of the development of housing construction is realization by the Government of the state programs of available accommodation. It creates an opportunity for the majority of Ukrainians to purchase their own flats on privileged conditions. In particular, for 2013 overall 6 thousand 742 Ukrainian families purchased accommodation under the Government’s support,” Olexandr Vilkul said.
Targeting to reduce the cost of construction of available accommodation the Government introduced a series of mechanisms. Notably, at the account of the budget funds the construction sites are connected to the necessary engineering networks: power, water, heating supplies and sewerage. The assistance is rendered in receiving of land plots by investors.