6742 Ukrainian Families Purchase Flats with Government Support
OREANDA-NEWS. January 16, 2014. In 2013 owing to realization of the national programs 6742 Ukrainian families who are mostly teachers, medical employees, militarymen, workers of the budget area and young families purchased flats. The Vice Prime Minister Olexandr Vilkul informed.
He explained that in 2013 through the State Fund of Housing Construction for Young People there had been concluded contracts with 4929 families, which is by 22% more than over 2012.
“Providing Ukrainians with available accommodation is among the top priorities of the Government’s activity. In 2014 realization of the Governmental programs will prolong, it is envisaged in the draft State Budget,” the Vice Premier emphasized.
On the commission of Olexandr Vilkul the Minister of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Communal Services Hennadiy Temnyk has checked the state of readiness of a new building situated in Kyiv, in 48a Lomonosova street in which new residents enumerate 140 Ukrainian families, that bought the flats with the Governmental support.
“The country has helped people to purchase the new flats, the local authorities must create comfortable conditions for life,” the Vice Prime Minister said. He has set a task to the local authorities and constructors to stir up all the beautification works around the building.
“Concern of the country about the people doesn’t cease with providing them with accommodation. It is vital to ensure qualitative beatification of the territories, presence of playgrounds, recreational zones. The construction must be conducted taking into account vacant places in kindergardens, schools, medical institutions. The people must feel comfortable on the new place,” Olexandr Vilkul said.
The head of the State Fund of Housing Construction for Young People Leonid Rysukhin reported the Vice Prime Minister that in 2013 almost 1000 families had bought flats through the Fund in Kyiv and Kyiv region.
Overall in the frames of the social initiatives of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych after the Program of construction of flats according to 30% against 70% principle 3 463 families have received flats from 2010 (in 2013 – 823 contracts). According to Crediting the Youth program for young families there have been given 1 507 credits from 2010, including 407 contracts in 2013. According to the Reducing the cost of mortgage loans there have been given 3 387 loans from 2010, including 2 154 contracts in 2013.