Beltelecom Sums Up Results of Company Operation in 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. January 13, 2014. Dear subscribers, partners, colleagues! On the threshold of the New Year 2014 Beltelecom is happy to share with you the company’s operating results which would be difficult to achieve without our successful business cooperation.
Today RUE Beltelecom is the leader in provision of telecommunications services in the Republic of Belarus and continues its dynamic development. During the current year Beltelecom began commercial exploitation of several innovative projects, and implemented a significant number of services new for the Belarusian market.
At the XX International exhibition-congress TIBO-2013 conducted in Minsk on April 23-26, 2013 Beltelecom introduced new opportunities of byfly and ZALA services, that have already become traditional in the frames of the concept "Smart home".The essence of the concept "Smart home" is interaction between a user and living space,enabling automatic operation and monitoring of all utilities and electronic devices by the user. Using a special portal of the "Smart home", a user can manage via a tablet or a smartphone almost all electrical appliances in the house, not even being in it!
In the framework of byfly service at the exhibition TIBO-2013 presentations of the following services were held: Internet under 3G technology (line of the tariff plans "Mobile" from byfly), Video portal from byfly, the services of antivirus protection. In the framework of ZALA service – interactive television in HD and 3D format, new thematic packages, potential of info portal.
Moreover Beltelecom emphasized the new services of IMS network (IMS is a multimedia subsystem on the basis of IP protocol): "Virtual ATE", "Musical Marathon", "Audio conferencing, "IP-door phone", etc. The service "Video conferencing" was presented in the renewed form.
Beltelecom considers constant technological development to be one of the most important directions for development.Special attention is given to the development of GPON technologyrecognized as another cycle of network evolution, since it suggests the use of last-mile fiber-optic connections. It means that the subscriber’s premises are connected over the fiber not copper cable.Nowadays a large number of shopping centers and residential complexes throughout the republic are connected via GPON technology. It is should be noted, that the new technology is implemented extensively not only in new-built constructions, but also in the built-up environment(including residential), a planned network upgrade is conducted with replacement of copper lines to fiber in Minsk and throughout the country.
In the outgoing year Beltelecom continued development of the network of Wi-Fi public access points and expanded its network to 50 000 hotspots.
Today it is possible to use Wi-Fi access points from Beltelecom in the most frequently visited public facilities of the majority of Belarussian cities.For example in Minsk more than 6 000 hotspots operate.The greater part of the most popular hotspots are placed at the hotels, the National airport, sport centers and health resorts,railway stations, bus stations, cinemas, shopping and exhibition centers.
Heavy growth of Internet-services market demanded global increase of bandwidth of external Internet-gateway of the country. Currently the Internet-gateway capacity network equals to 450 Gbps and continues to expand.
The new service launched in the year 2013 should also be mentioned -the service "Parental control" from byfly, which is designed to protect you and your family, first of all your children, from harmful and undesired information,spread in Internet. Beltelecom offers two tariff plans: with a short filtration list (allowing social networks, but blocking the information related to pornography, violence, drugs) and with a full list including all filtration categories.
In the year 2013 the citizens of the Republic of Belarus received a unique opportunity to become ZALA subscribers in the places beyond the reach of the wired ZALA, thanks to the new technology of terrestrial television (DVBT-2). You can become a subscriber of the service for access to terrestrial digital television broadcasting network by connecting to the basis package of the TV "Standard TV" of ZALA television. Maximum quantity of channels including additional packages can reach 44 channels.
Launch of new thematic packages: "Sportivniy", "Dlya Dushi", "Poznavatelniy" and "Semeiniy HD" was good news for all subscribers of the interactive television ZALA
Beltelecom launched 0 in the Republic of Belarusa new service Maxiphone,using this service you will get freedom of communication, without worrying about the cost of calls from mobile phones to fixed network and roaming charges. After subscribing to the service Maxiphone you will get a real telephone number (+375 24 9хххххх) and you can: make voice calls in all directions, generate the address book, see the status of the contacts in the address book, transfer files, make video calls to other Maxiphone subscribers. You can install the service Maxiphone at your computer (laptop, netbook), as well as a mobile device (tablet, smartphone).
In this year Beltelecom significantly increased the quantity of the subscribers of broadband Internet access byfly. The quantity of the subscribers of the Internet-provider byfly in the Republic of Belarus exceeded 1 million 800 hundredpeople. Subscribers base of the fixed telephony equaled to more than 4 million 220 thousand of the installed telephone sets – this is the ground to be proud of achieved results!
Undoubtedly Beltelecom wouldn’t have achieved such success without dedicated work of its employees. Our main value is people – team members dedicated to the common case and reliable partners.
Please, accept our warmest congratulations on the wonderful holidays – New Year and Christmas! The outgoing year left a noticeable mark on the life of company. We were sincerely glad of our success and victories and were together during hard times. May 2014 bring to everybody new achievements, well-being, interesting and joyful events.
Sincerely yours, General Director of RUE Beltelecom,
Popkov Sergey Petrovich