Reverta Elects Chairperson of Management Board
OREANDA-NEWS. Joint Stock Company Reverta informs that starting from 01 January 2014 Solvita Deglava, former Member of the Management Board and Senior Vice-President, will take the position of Chairperson of the Management Board. Reverta's Supervisory Board has resolved to appoint Solvita Deglava after having considered her high-level professionalism in company management, business deals, restructuring, finances, accounting and other significant spheres.
Reverta's Chairman of the Management Board Christopher Gwilliam has accepted a new professional challenge outside Latvia and is resigning on 31 December 2013.
„I would like to thank everyone who has been part of the Company's great achievements -Supervisory Board, employees and partners,” says Christopher Gwilliam.
As before, Reverta's Member of the Management Board and Senior Vice-President Ruta Amtmane will continue her work as a Member of the Management Board.
“Work in Reverta is a big challenge for the management and the employees of the Company, because the approved Restructuring Plan prescribes that by the end of 2017 we must be able to repay the most optimum amount of the State Aid. We will continue our work on loan restructuring and debt recovery, as well as management and realisation of real estate properties, which are generating more and more revenue,” says Michael Bourke, Chairman of Reverta's Supervisory Board.
Solvita Deglava has proved herself to be a high-level professional in company management, business deals, restructuring, finances, accounting and other significant spheres. Since the takeover of the former Parex banka by the State, she has worked in several top-level positions and has participated in the restructuring process of the bank as a Member of the Management Board. She has many years of experience as an auditor with the international audit company PricewaterhouseCoopers. She has worked as vice-president and a member of the board of Latvian Shipping Company. Solvita Deglava has studied at the University of Latvia (Bachelor's degree in economics) and the BA school of Business and Finance (diploma in bank management). She has the professional qualification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
In accordance with the Commercial Law, the Management Board is elected for five years.