Vale Will Promote Auction in Stock Exchange to Sell Shares in Log-in
OREANDA-NEWS. Vale will promote an auction to sell its common shares of Log-in Logistica Intermodal S.A. (Log-in), a company listed in the BM&FBOVESPA (ticker symbol: LOGN3). The auction will contemplate the sale, pursuant to Instruction of the Comissao de Valores Mobiliarios (CVM) n. 168, of December 23, 1991, as amended (CVM Instruction 168), of all common shares of Log-in currently held by Vale (28,737,356 shares).
The auction will be held at BM&FBOVESPA on December 26, 2013, with an initial price per share of BRL 8.00, and expected settlement for three days after its completion. If the auction is successful, Vale will divest its whole interest in Log-in.
The transaction is consistent with Vale's strategy to reduce its exposure to non-core assets, and results from the focus on the discipline in capital allocation and maximizing value for shareholders.