Metinvest Shares Experience in Clean Technology Implementation
OREANDA-NEWS. International conference of intercompany school on the best practice exchange among Blast Furnace ironmaking specialists was held as part of “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works” and “AZOVATAL IRON & STEEL WORKS”. By invitation of Metinvest Group the representatives of six Russian and four Ukrainian enterprises were participated in this international conference.
Blast-furnace operators discussed contemporary problems of metallurgical ecology, energy savings and cost-effective use of resources. In the course of excursion at “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works” the guests was acquainted with operation of Blast Furnace Shop and Pulverized Coal Injection Unit (PCI). The specialists noted that technology was implemented with great attention to environmental protection.
Modern dust exhausting devices allow reducing environment pollution. Bag filters and PCI sealing exclude emissions and provide a closed-loop circulation of coal dust.
“The Enterprises of Metinvest Group are the leaders in Ukrainian iron & steel industry. And first of all, it concerns the development of energy-saving technologies and implementation of environmental projects. Experienced staff of “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works” traditionally maintained close ties with the experts of Ukrainian and foreign companies. We are ready to share their extensive experience and knowledge and adopt experience from metallurgists-colleagues. We are open for cooperation and constructive dialogue, “- pointed out Yuriy Zinchenko, Director General of PJSC “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works”.
Today PCI complexes are in operation at “Zaporizhstal” and at “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works”.
Identical units planned to be constructed at “Yenakiieve Iron & Steel Works” and at “AZOVATAL IRON & STEEL WORKS”. Subject to the operation of all four complexes atmospheric emissions will be greatly reduced, and the savings of natural gas will reach 890 million cubic meters. Thus, the energy consumption of domestic iron and steel industry shall be declined by almost a quarter.
“Competition has been increased at the global steel market. It is natural that the requirements to product quality as well as to production environmental are becoming stricter. This encourages us to focus on improving production efficiency and new energy-saving technologies implementation. Innovations are actively implemented at the enterprises of Metinvest. We are aimed at production efficiency including energy and resource aspects. One of the most important areas is the development of environmental and social programs “- said Enver Tskitishvili, Director General of PJSC “AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS”.
At PJSC “AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS” the members of intercompany school were provided with progressive developments, in particular, a large-scale project of Blast Furnace No. 4 reconstruction, which promises greatly improve environmental situation in Mariupol.