OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a credit rating to OOO Mezhregionalnaya Gruppa Ipoteki i Servisa (Moscow). The rating is “BBB” on the national scale and “BB” on the international scale, in both cases with a stable outlook.

According to the agency, the rating is based on the Company's healthy market positions; successful operations over a period of several years; and stable, long-term relationships with its partners (suppliers of mortgages and major credit organisations for whom it provides mortgage support services).

Constraining factors include heavy dependence on a single major buyer of mortgage claims.

OOO Mezhregionalnaya Gruppa Ipoteki i Servisa [trs. Interregional Mortgage and Service Group LLC] (MGIS) is a private-sector Russian company that operates in the market for residential mortgages. Its principal business is the purchase and re-financing of mortgage claims, supplemented by the extension of mortgage loans and the provision of mortgage support services through to repayment. During the first eleven months of 2013 the Company extended R1.02bn in new mortgages and refinanced a further R1.82bn; as of 1 December its portfolio exceeded R5.5bn. According to the mortgage loan and securitisation analysis centre Rusipoteka, MGIS is the country's leading mortgage company in terms of both initial financing and re-financing, with a presence in virtually every region of the Russian Federation. General Director Tatyana Vladimirovna Toloknova is its beneficiary owner.

Assets consist mainly of mortgage claims, none of which are reported overdue. Most liabilities take the form of accounts payable (funds due to banks under mortgage purchase contracts). The Company's business model is stable, as are cash flows. Risk sensitivity is moderate. Liquidity is sufficient.