Lawyers of FBK Legal Speak at VII IBA Annual conference
OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2013. Alexei Yakovlev, head of FBK Legal tax litigation practice, and Anna Grishchenkova, head of FBK Legal dispute resolution practice, spoke last week in Moscow at the VII IBA Annual Conference of “Law Firm Management”.
IBA “Law Firm Management” annual conferences are among the most reputable forums on the law firm development. In 2013 participants in the event were the representatives of the RF Ministry of Justice, the International Association of Lawyers, and the world leading law firms.
The participants in the conference discussed different aspects of law firm management: financial, personnel, organizational.
Anna Grishchenkova acted as moderator at the session of “Risk management in the law firms international interaction,” in the process of which the experts shared their opinions on how to correctly choose a firm or a lawyer in another jurisdiction, what is to be done in case of the wrong choice, how to control relations between the client and the selected firm, and on other practical matters of joint work of lawyers from different countries.
Alexei Yakovlev took part in the expert discussion of topics at the same session.