OREANDA-NEWS. December 09, 2013. In the course of his working trip to Almaty city Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov attended the First Almaty Investment Forum.

Making a speech the Prime Minister noted the significance of the forum in improving investment climate of Kazakhstan and Almaty city in particular. According to him, the volume of accumulated foreign direct investment was 6.5 thousand U.S. dollars per capita in 2012.

According to Akhmetov, this was achieved through system measures on ensuring macroeconomic stability and creation of favorable investment climate. There are about 8 thousand companies with foreign capital in Kazakhstan. These are big transnational companies included in the Fortune 500 and Global 2000 lists. This year, memorandums of cooperation were signed with Toyota and Peugeot companies on car assembly in Kazakhstan.

Stressing that the President of Kazakhstan pays special attention to creating favorable conditions for doing business, Akhmetov said that the current legislation provides a number of investment incentives in the form of exemption from customs duties on the import of equipment, grants in the form of land, benefits for certain types of taxes. In addition, Kazakhstan improves the conditions of entry and stay of foreign investors.

Noting the role of "direct dialogue between the state and investors in attracting investment and creating favorable conditions for business," the Prime Minister stressed the efficiency of the Foreign Investors Council under the President. He also noted the successful work of the Council to improve the investment climate and the Interagency Working Group.

According to 2013-2014 investor protection index published by the World Economic Forum, Kazakhstan shares the 10th place with the UK and is ahead of other European countries.
"In "Kazakhstan 2050" Strategy the President instructed to enter the 30 developed countries in the world, and to achieve this goal it is necessary to further improve the investment policy," Akhmetov said.

The Prime Minister wished the conference success in implementing new initiatives and assured that "the Government of Kazakhstan is open for cooperation and dialogue."

Also during his stay in Almaty Akhmetov visited the nursery #182, where he familiarized himself with the implementation of development programs in education and healthcare spheres.
He then visited Almaty metro and traveled from the station Abay to the station Almaly. The Prime Minister was informed about the prospects for the development of transport infrastructure of Almaty city.

Moreover, Akhmetov visited an apartment house, which was built in the framework of "Dilapidated housing" program and checked the implementation of housing programs.