Ukrainian-Azerbaijani Commission for Economic Cooperation Held
OREANDA-NEWS. November 18, 2013. Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Kostyantyn Gryshchenko and First Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Yagub Eyyubov headed the tenth sitting of joint Ukrainian-Azerbaijani intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation which was held in Kyiv.
On opening the meeting K. Gryshchenko stressed that regular holding of sittings of the Commission in the first place demonstrates high level of relations existing between the two states and gives chance not only to discuss existing questions, but outline further directions of work of respective ministries and departments targeting deepening of bilateral cooperation.
“I would like to underline separately the high level of a dialog between our countries in all areas that is a real proof of further deepening of strategic partnership. Coincidence of interests with the absence of any problems in the political plane, high potential of interaction in the economic sphere, and striving of Ukrainian and Azerbaijani people to develop ties between our countries create positive basis for our work,” K. Gryshchenko emphasized.
According to the Vice Prime Minister, search of new sales markets and enlargement of the present possibilities to increase export capacities, strengthening of economic presence of Ukraine abroad and also attracting of foreign investments are not just strategic tasks of the Government but vital necessity of modern foreign policy of our country.
K. Gryshchenko is convinced that essential driving force for the development of bilateral cooperation appear the following areas: energy, investment cooperation, agriculture, space area, building and maintaining contacts between small and average business.
On the results of work K. Gryshchenko and Y. Eyyubov signed the Protocol of the 10-th sitting of joint Ukrainian-Azerbaijani intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation which contains priority lines of cooperation of the two states for the future.
In the course of communication with media people Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine informed about the issues which had been considered.
“In the course of the sitting of our Commission we have discussed today a wide circle of bilateral cooperation issues. Interaction in energy, realization of large scale infrastructure projects in Azerbaijan, cooperation in transport and space areas,” K. Gryshchenko told.
Speaking about cooperation in energy area the Vice Premier of Ukraine stressed that the parties had achieved understanding concerning what steps must be made so that to transfer cooperation in the mentioned domain to the strategic level.