Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol Renders Support to Medicine
OREANDA-NEWS. “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol” an affiliate of Metinvest Group continues to render support to Mariupol city in renewal of social infrastructure.
The enterprise appropriated more than UAH 1 million for capital repair of Surgery Department building of the city hospital No1.
For the first time after many years in the building of Surgery Department will be warm even when the weather is cold. New window and door units are being mounted now. MMKI workers are repairing walls and ceilings of the building being 80 years old according to a new technology using supporting net coated with three layers of front putty. Works for replacement of utilities, including water supply facilities, canalization and heating systems are performed.
In the near future arrival of new equipment to the hospital No1 is expected. To treat people with serious burns the Works bought a burn-treating rehabilitation bed “Fluidos”, at the cost of more than UAH 800 ths.
Perinatal center on the basis of maternity hospital No1 also received support from employees of “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol”. The Works appropriated UAH 150 ths. for new windows and electric wiring. In the operating room of the center new metal-filled plastic window units are already mounted. Before this during 43 years there were mounted wood window frames incapable to protect from cold and wind.
In the Department of crisis therapy of new-born children was performed replacement of electrical wiring. More powerful wiring is required for functioning of new new-born care equipment. For one resuscitation place are required minimum 10 sockets. Owing to the modern equipment more than 30 children born with pathologies were treated.
“Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol”, being a city-founding enterprise, renders an active support in the most important for Mariupol projects, as city improvement, economic and culture development, citizens' living level improvement. We consider that medical care rendered to citizens of Mariupol must comply with the most contemporary quality standards. For that reason our Works intends to continue the tradition of help to medicine of our city”, emphasized General Director of the PJSC “Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol” Yuriy Zinchenko.