Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange Concluded in Tashkent
OREANDA-NEWS. November 08, 2013. The event has been attended more than 1,300 domestic enterprises and companies, in excess of 1,000 of which are entities of small business and private entrepreneurship.
They exhibited more than 13 thousand titles of goods, some 2,000 of which were new samples launched in 2012-2013.
The annual forum of industrialists of Uzbekistan is held as part of the execution of objectives outlined by President Islam Karimov to shape a modern, diversified and competitive economy by the way of energetic continuation with structural reforms, modernization, technical and technological renewal of critical sectors, acceleration of development in the manufacturing and social infrastructure, especially in rural areas, along with comprehensive support for local manufacturers and units of small business and private entrepreneurship.
As the time has demonstrated, effective instruments for addressing the outlined challenges include import substitution, localization and cooperation, which help secure accelerated introduction of novel, efficient technologies into the production processes, extensive use of local raw and production resources, enlargement on this basis of cutting-edge competitive goods, frugal and rational use of currency resources, as well as the creation of new jobs and consolidation of stability in the internal market of goods and services.
These very three components form the basic foundation of the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange that is organized every year in two phases.
Thus, the first stage of the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange took place in March-June 2013, as part of which territorial and sector-based industrial fairs were organized across the entire country. Fairs of consumer goods of domestic production took place along the same platform. They were attended in excess of three thousand enterprises, of which more than 1,800 manufacture goods of consumer designation. The participant stands demonstrated around 16 thousand titles of produce for diverse sectors of the manufacturing industry. During the first stage, business agreements were concluded for the supply of goods in industrial cooperation for a sum total of 446.4 billion soums, of which contracts for the supply of consumer goods reached 22.2 percent. The sum total of export deals reached 224.9 million dollars.
At the current, autumn phase of the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange, the considerable potential and capacities of basic sectors of the manufacturing industry, novels of production and a variety of goods were on display. The leading enterprises of the industrial complex of our country have demonstrated their produce along sectors of production. Extensive was the representation of enterprises in such spheres as community facilities, transport, capital construction and construction industry, machine building, standardization of goods, geology, chemical, electro-technical, oil and chemical and metalworking industries, agricultural and water resources, healthcare and social security, information systems and telecommunications.
In the resolution of the head of our state “On Priorities in the Development of Industrial Sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2011-2015” signed 15 December 2010, the necessity is stipulated in the steadfast promotion of international cooperation. The seventh international industrial fair and cooperation exchange this time around received more than 87 thousand visitors, including some 1,100 foreign representatives of firms and companies fr om 55 countries of the world such as Germany, Italy, India, United Kingdom, South Korea, China, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and other nations.
The stands of enterprises and organizations presented goods that are currently being imported and those of localized production (from the perspective of their production with the use of local raw resources, technical and technological renovation and the development of cooperation ties).
Notably, the enterprises of the Uzkimyosanoat State Stock Company have displayed mineral fertilizers, chemical substances to protect plants, chemical fibers and threads, synthetic gums, polymeric items, reagents fro the gold mining industry, hygienic and cosmetic goods and other chemical produce.
According to the head of production department at the Uzkimyosanoat SSC Rahmat Usarov, the sum of agreements concluded during last year’s international industrial fair and cooperation exchange exceeded 138.4 billion soums. This year, the indicator has exceeded 154 billion soums. Thanks to the participation in the industrial forum, eight new types of goods have been launched in 2013 alone, including several types of fertilizers, plastic bobbins, epoxy resin, methyl acetate (dissolvent) and hyper-pressed brick.
Interesting has been also the exposition of fat-and-oil and food industries of Uzbekistan, which addresses issues of raising the quality and expansion of the range of goods, the complete and rational use of raw materials, satisfaction of the demand of our country’s population. Extensively represented were also the produce of the fat-and-oil enterprises as well as those of reprocessing agricultural goods and the meat and dairy goods. Among them were Agromir-Samarkand Ltd., Master Global Plus, Siyob Sakhovati, the Asakayogh and Uchkurgan-Yogh open stock companies and others.
As Shahobiddin Artikov, head of the production department at the Association of Food Industry Enterprises of Uzbekistan, has noted, major investment projects are expected to be implemented in the sector during the 2013-2015 period. Thus, a complex to reprocess milk is projected to be constructed in Samarkand region, the production of amyloidal syrup is to be launched in Khorezm region, the production of malt is to be started in Tashkent region, and a plant to produce sugar is anticipated to be opened in Angren Free Industrial Zone.
The considerable interest of participants of the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange was attached to the stand of more than 70 enterprises of the Association of Leather and Footwear Enterprises “Uzbekcharmpoyabzali”. They presented a fashion everyday and specialized footwear, sports equipment, women’s bags and many other things.
“The participation of leather and footwear enterprises in the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange has facilitated the increase in the volumes of production and expand the range of goods from one year to another,” said the chief specialist of the production and sales department of the “Uzbekcharmpoyabzali” association Shuhrat Aliev. “For instance, last year the enterprises of the sector concluded trade agreements for a sum total exceeding 21.6 billion soums and export deals for 50.9 million dollars. This year, these indicators are considerably high.”
In addition, the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange also extensively demonstrated the potential of regional enterprises. The participants were particularly interested in the stands of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Samarkand, Namangan, Tashkent and Sirdarya regions.
For instance, the Samarkand Scientific-Production Enterprise Marakand-MSM offers to supply goods to the enterprises of the hydrocarbon industry and community facilities. According to its director Buriboy Berdiev, the production of signaling devices for detecting leakage of fuel gases was launched at the enterprise as part of the localization program. Agreements have already been concluded at the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange for their supply to major oil reprocessing enterprises.
It is important to note that the forum also included 76 centralized presentations of sectors and enterprises which displayed their technical and technological capacities. Remarkable interest was drawn to the presentations of each region of our country. They have indisputably facilitated the establishment of new and the expansion of existing bonds among manufacturers and consumers. Deals were reached for the supply or procurement of materials, component parts or final goods of production and technical designation. At the same time, the procurement of items and reprocessed raw materials was carried out for all domestic consumers building on direct agreements without holding additional tenders.
All the events were held with the involvement of specialists of ministries and agencies, insurance companies, banks, organizations specializing in standardization and certification, who gave qualified consultations. Participants and visitors of the fair and exchange, in their turn, were able to appraise the demands of related production lines and, on this basis, to shape order portfolios for the supply of goods, including also for exports. Thus, agreements reached for the purchase of goods in 2012 were worth some 5 trillion soums, wh ereas this year it has grown 1.24 times. The sum total of contracts for the realization of our own goods for export made some 5.2 billion dollars last year, while the indicator of the current international industrial fair and cooperation exchange has grown by 22 percent.
The results of the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange and the remarkable outcomes of the regional and sector-based industrial fairs suggest that the cooperation ties of our domestic enterprises have been consolidating and enriching with new content from one year to another. The volumes of business contracts have been increasing, so have those of export contracts. Cooperation has been enlarging among representatives of small business and private entrepreneurship with major industrial complexes that affords a compelling impetus for the further dynamic development of our country’s economy.