OREANDA-NEWS. United Airlines today announced that it is rewarding its eligible employees with a USD 100 on-time bonus for exceeding the airline's domestic and international on-time arrival performance goals for the month of October. United achieved 85 percent on-time performance for domestic flights and 82.4 percent for international flights. The on-time arrival rate is based on flights arriving within 14 minutes of the scheduled arrival time.

The monthly domestic on-time performance was the airline's best of the year and the best since November 2012, while the international on-time performance was the highest monthly performance in nearly three years. On six days in October, the airline exceeded a 90 percent on-time arrival rate, and Oct. 26 was the second best day of the year with an average 93 percent on-time arrival rate.

"Across the system our co-workers are focused on running a reliable, on-time airline and delivering great customer service," said Pete McDonald, United's executive vice president and chief operations officer. "I'm proud of their hard work and determination - it is paying off."

While several of the airline's hubs experienced weather challenges ranging from thunderstorms and fog to the first light snow of the season, United employees continued to focus on good-weather performance and quick recovery from bad weather. United's Houston hub, in particular, was hit hard by bad weather several days in October, but despite the challenges, the team at Houston achieved nearly their best on-time departure performance of the year.