Zaporozhstal Invested UAH 1 mn for Equipment of Consulting Room
OREANDA-NEWS. The formal opening of mammography consulting room equipped by new up to date digital mammographer took place on October 29, 2013, within the framework of ongoing program “Health of Woman” for the female employees of Integrated Iron and Steel Works “Zaporozhstal”. Total amount of investments into the project was around 1 million UAH.
The “Health of Woman” program is worked out and implemented for the female employees of Integrated Iron and Steel Works “Zaporozhstal” according to corporate system of health protection at the enterprises of Metinvest Group, focused on prevention of ill health, connected with workplace factors and preservation of health of the employees. This program provides for arranging of annual mammologist research investigation of glandula mammaria, besides the planned regular standard occupational medical examination.
“More than 4,5 thousand of female employees are working at the Steel Works, and all of them are not only valuable employees, but first of all -they are delicate and tender women. This should be constantly kept in mind, and all the best should be done for their health care and providing of high quality medical services”, — noted Rostyslav Shurma General director of Integrated Iron and Steel Works “Zaporozhstal”.
During formal opening ceremony of consulting room, the importance of this diagnostic equipment was not-ed by Victoriya Mykolayuk, projects and programs manager of Rynat Akhmetov’s Fund “Development of Ukraine”. “Mammography consulting room is vital and essential,- pointed out Victoriya Mykolayuk. — Mammography is the main aspect of diagnostics for women, and it is very important to provide access of more women to this method of diagnostics.”
Not only female employees of “Zaporozhsal” Steel Works could make use of services of mammography consulting room, but also female employees of PJSC “Zaporozhkors”, and PJSC “Zaporozhogneupor”. Please note, that new and up- to- date digital mammograph is made by Ukrainian manufacturer (firm “Radmyr”, Kharkov city) — it has high technical and quality performance data.
It should be reminded, that employees of “Zaporozhstal” Steel Works, according to the terms of collective labour agreement are provided with medical services in the medical institutions of Zaporozhye at the expense of the Steel Works, within 9 months of 2013 around 9.5 million UAH were assigned for these purposes.