Eesti Energia Increased Production of Both Electricity and Oil
OREANDA-NEWS. In Q3 2013, Eesti Energia's turnover was EUR 216 million (+9%) and the company's EBITDA rose 1%, reaching EUR 72 million. The company's net profit was EUR 42 million which is 12% more than the same period last year.
In Q3 2013, Eesti Energia invested a total of EUR 125 million. The biggest investments were made in order to build a new 300 MW substation at Auvere (EUR 63 million) and to renew Elektrilevi's network and improve its reliability.
The company produced 2.6 TWh of electricity (+16%). The increase in the volume of electricity generated from oil shale has been facilitated by higher electricity and lower CO2 market prices. Electricity sales to Estonian private clients amounted to 5% of the company's turnover and no profit was made from selling electricity to private clients.
In Q3 2013, Eesti Energia sold 2.5 TWh of electricity (+3%), out of which 1.6 TWh was sold to retail clients. When compared to the situation at the end of Q2 2013, Eesti Energia's number of contractual clients has risen by 6000. Eesti Energia's market share in Estonia was 71%.
Eesti Energia sold 63,000 tonnes of liquid fuels, up 6% from the same period last year. Q3 was also marked by significant progress at the Enefit280 oil plant, resulting in the plant operating at 50% capacity during its weekly running periods while 85% capacity was achieved for short periods. The plant's work is in the process of being stabilised, during which the work load of the innovative technology is increased gradually.