Sochi Airport Marks 100-Day Countdown to Winter Olympics
OREANDA-NEWS. Basel Aero, a part of Russia's largest industrial diversified group Basic Element, announces that with 100 days to go until the opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Games, the Sochi International Airport introduces new cutting-edge technologies and services that will contribute to the unique Olympic welcome for 6,000 athletes and members of the National Olympic Committees as well as spectators and other guests of the Games.
October 30th brings the 100-days-to-go milepost to the start of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Russia's Sochi. The Sochi International Airport, the host Airport for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games, is pulling out all the stops to ensure smooth operations during the arrivals and departures of the Games' participants and guests.
As of now, 95% of the airport's Olympic infrastructure has been put into operation. There is an advanced 6,000-sq.m boarding gallery that features 10 boarding bridges ensuring a comfortable access to the aircraft.
VIP Terminal with a total area of 4,000-sq.m and handling capacity of 80 passengers per hour was opened in a soft mode in late September. The terminal boasting a parking lot with 35 parking spaces, a dedicated entrance/exit road and a site for motorcades, will host IOC delegates and other high-profile guests at the Winter Olympics. There will also be a 12-stand ramp for business jets near the terminal.
A specially designed temporary Games Terminal adjacent to the airport's building, will serve athletes and organized fan groups. A 2,600-sq.m facility has a handling capacity of 420 passengers per hour, it will help to divert thousands of people from the main terminals and will significantly relieve baggage system as the athletes will receive their luggage in the Games Terminal. The facility will be fully equipped with all the necessary engineering systems by the end of 2013.
The Sochi airport will be divided into three sectors to optimize passenger traffic during the busiest days. Sector A will serve Aeroflot and S7 airlines while sectors B and C will be dedicated to other domestic carriers and international airlines respectively. The entrances and exits from the airport's building will be separated. Public transport stops and taxi parking area will be located in front of the airport.
The airport itself will be flamboyantly 'dressed' for the Games. The banners will be stretched across the terminals and will feature Sochi-2014 Olympic branding with Russia's traditional patchwork patterns, Olympic mascots and logos of the Games.
In order to increase passenger capacity and minimize the time for serving passengers, a total of 19 check-in counters were installed in the departure lounge. In November 2013, four additional self-check-in terminals will be added to the group of six existing terminals. Each sector of the airport will boast mobile check-in desks where passengers can print out the boarding passes using smartphones.
As the Sochi Airport prioritizes passengers' security, the number of security equipment and staff will double prior to the Games. Moreover, additional 900 aviation security staff from nine Russian airports will join the airport's team. Aviation cadets from the St. Petersburg and Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Universities will also help to manage airport's Games-time operations.