BTA Bank Released Information Statement on Related Party Transaction
OREANDA-NEWS. Herewith BTA Bank JSC kindly notifies that on October 17, 2013, the Board of Directors of BTA Bank JSC took resolution to enter into related party transaction:
Information on entering into a related party transaction by the joint-stock company |
1) Date of taking resolution on the transaction by the Board of Directors - October 17, 2013; |
2) Value of property being subject of the transaction - not applicable; | |
3) date of the last property assessment being subject of the transaction - not applicable; | |
4) Percentage ratio of the value of property being subject of the transaction to the total assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable; | |
5) Main terms of the transaction: - Subject of the transaction - opening of bank deposit; - Product name - Pensionnyi deposit with fixed interest rate; - Minimum initial installment - KZT 3,000 (three thousand tenge); - Minimum balance - KZT 5,000 (five thousand tenge); - Deposit maturity - 12 months; - Accrual of interest - capitalization; - Minimum conversion amount - KZT 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand tenge); - Interest rate: KZT 8.9%, USD 5.1%, EUR 3.9%; - Effective interest rate: KZT 9.3%, USD 5.2%, EUR 4.0%; 6) date of the transaction - October 21, 2013. |