Paper Production in Finland Will Decrease by 3-4% in 2013
OREANDA-NEWS. Paper production in Finland will decline this year 3-4% below last year's figure. Despite economic growth, the production will decrease further next year as well. The reduction is driven by structural change in demand. The Finnish export of paperboard is expected to grow close to 7% from last year. The export will grow further next year, as Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT) said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.
Contrary to previous years, the average export price of Finnish paper will reduce this year. PTT estimates prices to rise again next year, which however calls for cost cuts and reduction of supply in Europe. Paper machine closures are possible in Finland as well.
The price of pulp has remained high for several years. This year the Finnish exports of pulp are forecasted to grow close to 10% from last year. In addition to strong demand, the decreased call for pulp in Finland by means of the reduced paper industry explains the growth in export.
PTT estimates the export for pulp to grow slightly further next year. The average export price of pulp will rise this year and remain rather high next year as well.