IDGC of Centre Announced Competition for Energy Efficiency Projects
OREANDA-NEWS. In preparation for the International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Conservation ENES 2013 IDGC of Centre has announced a call for proposals in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency among employees.
For consideration in the competition projects on the following topics are accepted: "Electricity metering. Reduction of commercial losses", "Optimization of technological losses", "Optimization of the flow of fuel and energy resources for utility needs. Value-added services in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency" and "Reduction of operating expenses in the production activity". The competitive bids for each topic will be considered in four categories: "The idea for the research and development - scientific and technical breakthrough", "The idea for the research and development - the best commercialization plan", "The use of existing modern technologies - achievements of the branch", "The use of existing modern technology - the best business plan".
Also, following the results of considering all applications the Expert Council will hold an additional competition among the branches of the company. The winner will be the branch that is most actively applying and implementing energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies in the ratio of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
The main criterion in the evaluation of the projects will be the economic feasibility of the optimization of existing processes in the company, in terms of energy efficiency and energy saving, while maintaining their key parametres. The works will be judged by the criteria of the potential applicability and scope of implementation.
The objectives of the competition are the requirement of the state policy in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving, the execution of the Federal Law "On energy saving and energy efficiency improvement and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".
The contest is primarily aimed at increasing rationalization initiatives of the company's employees, as well as identifying the most effective proposals for the application of energy-saving technologies and energy efficiency improvement for their subsequent implementation in the technological processes of the company.
According to Deputy General Director for Development and Sale of Services of IDGC of Centre Yulia Sharkova "We see great promise in the conduct of such competitions. Today almost the whole world is on the path to search for new energy-saving opportunities. Therefore, IDGC of Centre pays great attention to new ideas developed in the company, able to go from their demonstration to effective application and subsequent large-scale implementation."
Results of the competition and an awarding ceremony will be held in early November 2013.