OREANDA-NEWS. October 10, 2013. ECOA (Ethics & Compliance Officer Association), the world`s most prestigious ethics management organization, cited the example of POSCO during the `POSCO`s Ethical Management Session` at the 2013 annual conference in Chicago U.S.A.

ECOA had invited POSCO, the S. Korea`s leading ethical management company, to prepare and conduct a session on the subject of the `ethical management philosophy and major activities of POSCO.`

This time, POSCO publicized a variety of detailed aspects of ethical management that it had been carrying forward for the past 10 years, and introduced the vision and core values of the newly declared `Happiness Management.`

Keith T. Darcy, the ECOA secretary-general, global corporate employees and academic experts attended the session. They showed interest in the series of activities done by POSCO as a global company and asked many questions in converting the reinforced ethics of employees into day-to-day visible actions through its creative and unique program.

In particular, Keith T. Darcy, the ECOA secretary-general, after listening to the POSCO`s presentation, commented that ``The Small Wedding Ceremony Campaign designed to improve the wedding culture in S. Korea along with auctioning off gifts received from the interested parties, moreover, using profits for social welfare fund, are great activities that really highlight what true enterprise social responsibility is. Most of all, it is a very impressive achievement through the practice of ethics to raise awareness and action around the belief that every single employee is ultimately the owner of the company.``

Conducted for three days from September 25, some 1,000 people from around the world attended the ECOA conference, and POSCO, Siemens, Nokia, Lockheed Martin, Alstom, Microsoft, PwC, and Harvard Business School all held their own sessions.

Throughout the session, POSCO confirmed that its ethical management can be used as a unique and valuable model throughout the world, as opposed to just being a minimal activity level of a global company, while creating a window of opportunity to introduce the newly declared Happiness Management.

ECOA, founded in 1992, is the world`s largest non-profit organization to consist of authorities and experts in the areas of business ethics, compliance monitoring and audit sector.

ECOA holds various educational programs and conferences in order to exchange best practice among experts and its members. Currently, it consists of more than 1,000 corporate members representing various industries in some 160 countries worldwide, with most of the Fortune 100companies included among its corporate members.