Tele2 Reports Summer Roaming Results
OREANDA-NEWS. Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, has summed up roaming activity results during 2013 summer holidays. The number of subscribers who used Tele2 services abroad increased 12% compared to the same period last year.
The most demanded roaming routes were Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Finland and traditional resorts – Turkey, Spain, Cyprus and Greece. Apart from popular tourist destinations, Tele2 subscribers travelled to long-haul getaways: Brunei, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat and Laos.
In summer 2013 the volume of used Tele2 international roaming services considerably increased – compared to the same period last year, voice and SMS traffic grew 15% whereas data surged five-fold.
Popularity of Tele2 international roaming can be explained not only by high season. The main factors to have influenced the demand are simple, easy-to-understand tariffs and low prices that allow the operator’s clients using mobile services abroad without any restrictions.
In June 2013 J’son & Partners Consulting carried out research of international roaming rates. According to the results, Tele2 is leading in offering profitable voice rates on most destinations (excluding additional conditions and discounts) as well as for mobile Internet – 25 rubles per one megabyte in CIS, Baltic states and Europe and 50 rubles per one megabyte in Africa, Asia and Australia.
Apart from profitable basic tariffs, Tele2 introduced a number of special services that allow considerable cuts in roaming expenses:
• Eurointernet gives an opportunity to use data without any restrictions on speed and volume of traffic for only 5 rubles per day. The offer is available in Tele2 AB networks in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Norway (on Mobile network).
• Profitable roaming in Tele2 AB penetrated countries – 5 rubles per one minute for calls and one megabyte of mobile Internet in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Kazakhstan.
Pavel Chunikhin, Tele2 Russia product director:
“Travelers often fail to feel free in their mobile phone talks due to excruciating and non-transparent tariffs on international roaming, untimely information about expenses and balance. Tele2 subscribers do not have such problems. Thanks to clear billing conditions and profitable prices they may use mobile services on five continents as they got used to”.