Expert RA Assigned Economix-Bank Creditworthiness Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. ‘Expert RA’ rating agency assigned ‘Economix-Bank’ (LLC) creditworthiness rating A, which means high credit solvency, the second sub-level. The rating outlook is stable. The stable outlook means high probability of maintaining the rating in the mid-term.
The moderately high capital adequacy, good balance of assets, by their maturities, in the short- and long-terms and the loan provisioning policy adequate to the undertaken risks are the principal factors having a positive impact on ‘Economix-Bank’ Commercial Bank rating. High securities portfolio quality and availability of significant additional liquidity sources are also highlighted as positive factors.
The narrow customer base in the corporate and individual business lending segment and weak competitive standing in the region of presence (Moscow city) is the key factor restraining the Bank’s creditworthiness. In addition, the Agency notes high past-due debt on corporate loans and high reliance of liabilities on the narrow group of counterparties.