Expert RA Confirmed EXPO-Leasing Creditworthiness Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. ‘Expert RA’ rating agency confirmed ‘EXPO-leasing’ (leasing company) creditworthiness (financial stability) rating A, which means high credit solvency, and changed the outlook from stable to positive. The positive outlook means high probability of upgrading the rating in the mid-term. The rating sub-level is the first.
Low concentration on customers, high leasing portfolio diversification by equipment types and acceptable concentration of raised funds on lenders are the main factors having a positive impact on the rating. The Agency also highlights good business profitability and acceptable coverage of transactions with additional guarantees and sureties.
High non-performing liabilities in the portfolio and reliance on short-term funding are the key rating-restraining factors. The moderately low solvency, low liquidity and the high share of equity in business financing sources restrain the rating.