Vice PM of Ukraine Disputes Protection of Intellectual Property
OREANDA-NEWS. October 07, 2013. During the official working visit of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Kostyantyn Gryshchenko to Geneva he has met with the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Francis Gurry.
During the meeting Mr. Gryshchenko outlined the general features of development of the system of protection of intellectual property in Ukraine, recent achievements and country’s plans for the future. Francis Gurry was informed about successful implementation of the commitments that our government had made in the framework of the WIPO, and the willingness to strengthen cooperation with the Organization on important parts for Ukraine.
Francis Gurry praised the work of Ukraine, especially in the past few years, and promised that experts of the Organization will provide professional support to our domestic experts.
He with particular satisfaction welcomed consensus decision made during the WIPO General Assembly that has completed its work, on the appointment of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine as an International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and the signing of the agreement on cooperation with the Bureau of the WIPO. "This achievement has allowed Ukraine to possess a privileged place among 19 member states of the Organization that have similar status," he said.
Kostyantyn Gryshchenko also welcomed the WIPO and all potential partners of Ukraine "on this important event for our country, which safely and responsibly serves out its new functions." He also thanked Mr. Gurry for personal support of this initiative and high-quality work of the Bureau of WIPO to prepare the necessary documents.
Strengthening of the system for protection of intellectual property, according to K Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, is important for the development of national science and IT-sector in particular. In this context, he expressed hope on the expanding and deepening of the program of cooperation between Ukraine and the WIPO 2014-2016 biennium, which to be concluded soon.
They also discussed some aspects of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Member States of WIPO, in particular in the fighting cybercrime. Vice Prime Minister marked the positive dynamics in this area, as well as specific points this issue in Ukraine. Yes, he stressed, Ukrainian consumers of digital technology (licensed computer software, movies, music, Internet services, etc.), are forced to pay exorbitant costs for these products having little income. CEO was opened to this problem and proposed advice from the Secretariat of WIPO.