Electronic Data Room Open for Blocks 2011B & 2111A
OREANDA-NEWS. The opportunity offers a farminee the chance to access over 11,000 km2 of undrilled acreage in the emerging offshore Namibia exploration province where recent drilling activity has established a working petroleum system. Only 20% of the Block is covered by 3D data but this has clearly shown the presence of large structures and very interesting new stratigraphic play concepts in the Cretaceous section both inboard and to the west of the previously mapped Ondjou structural high. The 4 main prospects mapped on the block, so far, are estimated to have gross unrisked prospective resources in the order of 1.5 billion barrels. An Online Data Room is available for initial project review after completion of a Confidentiality Agreement.
Project Highlights:
Over 11,000 km2 of undrilled acreage in an exciting and emerging hydrocarbon province.
2 large simple structural closures, each with mean Prospective Resources in excess of 500 mmbbl.
Newly recognised Cretaceous stratigraphic plays requiring additional 3D data to mature into drillable prospects.
Proven mature oil prone source intervals in on trend recent HRT wells (Wingat and Murombe).
Early entry to a very large unexplored area in an emerging hydrocarbon province.
Significant equity and operatorship available.